Love Through Ages

Romeo-Juliet, Elizabeth-Darcy and Augustus-Hazel: couples who will continue to live on in the hearts of readers, even centuries after their creators created them in pen and ink.

Love stories have been reflecting the emotions and charming the hearts of lovers since time immemorial. The more you love, the more love you yearn to give. It's the only feeling we have which is infinite. Isn’t it a blessing, to love and be loved in return? It is love that keeps us sane while we hurtle our way through the tempest and it is love that drives us insane on a solitary night. It is our biggest strength and our modest weakness. Love brings us together and gives us our own special nest in this vast, wide world. Love stories have been lived by and acknowledged through ages now. 

The theme of the 24 stories in this anthology is ‘Love through ages’. ‘A Little Chorus of Love - Love through Ages’ seeks to continue to capture the essence of love in its purest form by bringing together 24 stories of love and romance set in different time periods in history and different ages in human life. We have historical romances, contemporary romances, and also love stories that tell you that love can catch you unaware at any time, place or age.

The authors of these stories have all perceived the theme in their own unique way and brought to you their sagas of love. Here is a collection of stories that will remind you about the magic and miracles created by this many- splendored emotion called love. It will inspire you to love unconditionally without the barriers of cast, color or creed. 

A Little Chorus of Love (ALCOL) was born out of a vision. When four different people, from different cities, different backgrounds, different professions, but with a common vision met, the idea of ALCOL was born. Brainstorming in the privacy of online chat rooms and discussions that went on long into the night, finally materialized into this idea of creating an Anthology, which would carve a niche of its own. A Facebook page was created and a call for submissions for stories was posted. We weren't very sure how wide and far the idea would travel until we started receiving stories, one after the other, in large numbers. So many, that we had to streamline through them and shortlist 24. The result of further editing, polishing and compiling is here in your hands. 

So sit back, sip your coffee and indulge yourself in 24 facets of that one splendid feeling called love, once again.

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